Documents relevant to Membership application, Training and Assessments can be found below.
Copyright exists on all documents
Position Information Document (PID)- Canine Search Specialist
Explaining what can be expected as Canine handler
Explaining what can be expected as Canine handler
Position Information Document- Canine Search Specialist
Title of Position: Canine Search Specialist
Organisation: Search and Rescue Canines-SA
Relevant Supporting Agencies: South Australian USAR Task Force, South Australian Police.
Type of Appointment: Volunteer search dog handler USAR and / or LandSAR
Position Information Document Approval:
_____________________________________ Date: ____________
President (or Delegate)
Search and Rescue Canines South Australia Incorporated.
SARC SA is committed to supporting the mission of key south Australian Emergency Service Stakeholders including the South Australian Urban Search and Rescue Task Force and South Australia Police through the provision of highly trained canine search and rescue capabilities.
Urban Search and Rescue is a system for organising emergency response personnel from several agencies into an integrated team whom are appropriately trained and equipped to respond to major incidents involving structural collapse.
The role of the Canine Search Specialist involves the training, developing and maintenance of search and rescue canines to nationally recognised standards of performance and to ensure an operational canine capability is readily available to the South Australian USAR Task Force and / or South Australia Police or other government and non-government user agencies at all times.
1.2 Reporting and Working relationships:
Non Operational:
The USAR Canine Search Specialist reports to the Head Trainer who reports to the president of SARC SA. The canine search specialist may also work closely with members of other emergency service organisations including SAMFS, SAUSAR Task Force, SAPOL.
During Non-Operational times, the Canine Search Specialist is required to undertake specific training or to work as part of a team alongside or under members of South Australian emergency service organisations.
The Canine Search Specialist USAR is a member of the South Australian USAR Task Force, and reports to the Search Team Leader. The Search Team Leader reports to the Search and Rescue Operations Officer whom reports to the Task Force Leader. The Canine Search Specialist USAR will also be required to work alongside Technical Search Specialists.
The Canine Search Specialist LandSAR reports to the SARC SA Deployment Coordinator who reports to the SAPOL Search Manager. In the field the Canine Search Specialist LandSAR may be directed to liaise with SAPOL representatives as required.
The SARC Deployment Coordinator may also report to Search Managers from private and / or non-government user agencies upon request and canine Search Specialists LandSAR may be required to liaise direct with both private and / or non government representatives at the direction of the SARC SA Deployment Coordinator.
1.3 Job Location / Environment:
1.4 Nature, Purpose and Objectives of Job
1.6 Skills and Abilities
Saturday: 08:00 – 12:00 hours – Fundamental Skills and Search Work
***Training times subject to change
1.7 Benefits
2. Person Specification
Education / Vocational Qualifications / Training Requirements
Title of Position: Canine Search Specialist
Organisation: Search and Rescue Canines-SA
Relevant Supporting Agencies: South Australian USAR Task Force, South Australian Police.
Type of Appointment: Volunteer search dog handler USAR and / or LandSAR
Position Information Document Approval:
_____________________________________ Date: ____________
President (or Delegate)
Search and Rescue Canines South Australia Incorporated.
- Job Specification
SARC SA is committed to supporting the mission of key south Australian Emergency Service Stakeholders including the South Australian Urban Search and Rescue Task Force and South Australia Police through the provision of highly trained canine search and rescue capabilities.
Urban Search and Rescue is a system for organising emergency response personnel from several agencies into an integrated team whom are appropriately trained and equipped to respond to major incidents involving structural collapse.
The role of the Canine Search Specialist involves the training, developing and maintenance of search and rescue canines to nationally recognised standards of performance and to ensure an operational canine capability is readily available to the South Australian USAR Task Force and / or South Australia Police or other government and non-government user agencies at all times.
1.2 Reporting and Working relationships:
Non Operational:
The USAR Canine Search Specialist reports to the Head Trainer who reports to the president of SARC SA. The canine search specialist may also work closely with members of other emergency service organisations including SAMFS, SAUSAR Task Force, SAPOL.
During Non-Operational times, the Canine Search Specialist is required to undertake specific training or to work as part of a team alongside or under members of South Australian emergency service organisations.
The Canine Search Specialist USAR is a member of the South Australian USAR Task Force, and reports to the Search Team Leader. The Search Team Leader reports to the Search and Rescue Operations Officer whom reports to the Task Force Leader. The Canine Search Specialist USAR will also be required to work alongside Technical Search Specialists.
The Canine Search Specialist LandSAR reports to the SARC SA Deployment Coordinator who reports to the SAPOL Search Manager. In the field the Canine Search Specialist LandSAR may be directed to liaise with SAPOL representatives as required.
The SARC Deployment Coordinator may also report to Search Managers from private and / or non-government user agencies upon request and canine Search Specialists LandSAR may be required to liaise direct with both private and / or non government representatives at the direction of the SARC SA Deployment Coordinator.
1.3 Job Location / Environment:
- The training of fundamental skills and canine USAR is based at the SAMFS Technical Rescue / USAR Training facility at the SAMFS Angle Park Training College, Angle Park, South Australia.
- The training of LandSAR is conducted at a variety of suburban and wilderness venues within the Adelaide and Hills regions
- Training may also be conducted interstate with partner organisations as required
- SARC SA canines search teams are both a State and National resource and as such members of canine search teams may be required to deploy both within the State and Nationally as required
- The SARC canine search capability is required to provide a search capability year round 24/7, 365 days a year.
- During training and deployment operations there will be a requirement to operate effectively in a variety of challenging terrain and conditions ranging from disaster and structural collapse simulations to remote and dense bushland settings.
- Members of a canine search team will be required to operate in remote and austere conditions for extended periods up to 10 days.
- Members of a canine search team will be required to operate in all weather conditions
1.4 Nature, Purpose and Objectives of Job
- Provision of a trained and competent Canine Search Capability to the South Australian USAR Task Force.
- Provision of canine USAR capabilities including;
- Canine Search Specialist USAR
- Canine Search Team Leader
- Supporting roles facilitating the provision of the above
- Respond as a certified canine search specialist in support of South Australian USAR Task Force and South Australian Police operations.
- Provision of a trained and competent Canine Search Capability to South Australia Police
- Provision of canine LandSAR capabilities including;
- Canine Search Specialist – Area Search
- Canine Search Specialist – Mantrailing
- Canine Search Team Observer
- Canine Search Team Leader
- Supporting roles facilitating the provision of the above
- Respond as a certified canine search specialist in support of South Australia Police operations.
- Respond as a certified canine search specialist in support of private or non-government user agencies.
- Undertake personal training and development of yourself, your canine and your team mates to recognised national standards.
- To actively contribute towards the Mission of key emergency service organisations such as the South Australian USAR Task Force and South Australia Police.
- Must be able to meet the physical and mental requirements of the position.
- Must successfully complete a canine and handler screening process including a handler medical assessment.
- Must be available on short notice to mobilise within two hours of initial contact.
- Must be able to be self-sufficient for up to 24 hours and capable of sustaining a deployment of up to 10 days in austere environments.
1.6 Skills and Abilities
- Ability to attend scheduled weekday / weekend training sessions.
Saturday: 08:00 – 12:00 hours – Fundamental Skills and Search Work
***Training times subject to change
- SARC SA has an expectation that where possible a member will make every effort to attend the 2 scheduled training sessions per week.
- SARC SA recognises that industry recommendations requires a canine search specialist to undertake a minimum of 16 hours (one on one) training per month with their canine to meet performance benchmarks.
- SARC SA recognises that members have work and family commitments that may result in members being unable to attend the 2 scheduled training sessions per week. In this instance it is expected that the member will make every effort to ensure they meet the recommended training benchmarks in their own time.
- Ability to attend scheduled multiday “workshops” as required.
- Ability to work with canines and undertake canine training in line with organisational guidelines.
- Ability to house and maintain a canine at home, and in training and operational environments.
- Comply with the organisations mission statement, duty of care statements, code of conduct and other relevant policies and procedures as determined by relevant user agencies such as the South Australian USAR Task Force and South Australian Police.
- Ability to adhere to safety protocols and participate in the provision of a safe workplace.
- Undertake a skills maintenance regime and commit to yearly performance review programs.
- Willingness and ability to undertake and maintain a personal fitness regime and commitment to the principles of “fitness for purpose” and “fit for task”.
- Ability to undertake canine fitness regimes in line with organisational requirements.
- Sound observation skills and ability to undertake note taking / record keeping in accordance with relevant Emergency Service Organisational guidelines.
- Ability undertake an ongoing program of personal and core skills development including;
- First Aid
- Canine First Aid
- Certification as a Canine Search Specialist
- Task Force Specialist
- Canine Search Team Leader
- Canine Instructor
- Canine Assessor
- Ability to work independently, and participate as an effective member of a professional team.
- Ability to undertake and maintain a personal training logbook in accordance with organisational guidelines.
1.7 Benefits
- Opportunity to participate as part of a professional team in support of our Emergency Service Organisations at both State and National level, and provide a significant contribution to the community.
- Opportunity for professional development and specialist canine skills acquisition.
- Receive nationally recognised training and certification as a Canine Search Specialist.
2. Person Specification
Education / Vocational Qualifications / Training Requirements
- Successfully obtain a medical clearance from a designated SAUSAR Task Force medical practitioner to undertake duties as a Canine Search Specialist.
- Successfully complete an SARUSAR Task Force canine and handler screening process including phobia testing and a functional fitness assessment.
- Ability to undertake an ongoing program of personal and core skills development including;
- First Aid
- Canine First Aid
- Certification as a Canine Search Specialist
- Task Force Specialist (USAR only)
- Canine Search Team Leader (USAR Only)
- Canine Instructor
- Canine Assessor
- Own or have the ability to acquire and maintain a canine that can successfully complete the SAUSAR Task Force Canine and Handler screening process.
- Strong commitment to the provision of a professional service to the community.
- Commitment to upholding the organisations Mission Statement and Duty of Care statements.
- Ability to work independently and as an effective part of a professional specialist team.
- Demonstrate a sound interest in, and ability to acquire and maintain specialist canine training skill sets.
- Ability to attend regular training.
- Ability to develop and undertake personal training plans.
- Ability to undertake out of hours training as required.
- Ability and willingness to be available for call out, operations and community engagement duties during work and after hours.
- Ability and willingness to adhere to organisational uniform policies and requirements.
- Ability and willingness to adhere to organisational standards of personal appearance.
- Ability to adapt to changing circumstances and environments.
- Self-motivated.
- Ability to work as an effective member of a team.
- Ability to take direction from persons in authority.
- Ability to communicate effectively with members of the South Australian USAR Task Force, South Australian State Emergency Service, other Emergency Service organisations and members of the public.
- Maintain personal fitness and a commitment to the principles of ‘fitness for purpose’ and functional fitness.
- A current Senior First Aid qualification or willingness to acquire such qualifications is highly desirable.
- Experience in the training of canines using positive motivational methods is desired but is not essential.